The Packers 2017 season is in the bank aka... here's some (really fucking) old music of mine to make you forget

Thank god this season is over...  Also, here's the music I promised on my Periscope's.  Hope you like harmonica...




Well, another week, another disappointment.  I didn't expect the result to be much different considering we were fielding what was essentially a preseason lineup against a borderline playoff team.  And considering the Lions just let go of Jim Caldwell, they felt they were, at least, a playoff team.  There are a number of things that I'm happy about though:


#1-#98 - Aaron Rodgers will be back next year.  As much as this season sucked and it seemed like our roster was not a Super Bowl-caliber roster, all of that would've been different if we were living in Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood.  It's hard to think of but a long, long time ago, I can still remember when...  the Packers were 4-1 and prohibitive Super Bowl favorites via Vegas and Jordy Nelson led the league in TD receptions (or was tied for the lead, I can't remember).  Those were certainly different times...


#99 - Davante Adams is coming back.  He deserved every penny of his new contract, especially considering the not one, but two incredibly cheap and nasty hits he took this season that led to concussions.  Again, I've been through concussions recently and they were not fun and I most certainly did not get over them in a week's time like Mr. Adams, so I most certainly hate that this happened; to him and me.  FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, I MISSED MY FUCKING ALBUM RELEASE (and  the subsequent month or two, can't remember, for some fucking reason...) DUE TO A CONCUSSION.  So, yeah, I fucking hate concussions.  Stop running into me from behind at red lights assholes.  Please...


#100 - Corey Linsley is coming back.  He still has one of the most memorable blocks I've ever seen.  Remember a couple years back when we were playing the Bears and Aaron Rodgers was getting tackled and threw the ball across his body, sidearmed, as the guy had his arm as part of the sack, and it went all the way across the fucking field and, somehow,  directly to Davante Adams for a touchdown?  It was one of the most ridiculous throws in Rodgers' career and it didn't count because of a bullshit penalty against Linsley.  Linsley is so fucking strong he threw his guy to the ground, which, for some reason, they called as a holding penalty.  I'm still not sure what they were thinking but fuck them, I still remember the TD as such.  I've seen Linsley get flagged for being "too strong" and knocking people over at least four times that I can recall.  Glad to have him back.  Rodgers had something like five different centers in his first six seasons, so it's nice to have someone there for more than a year...




I promised some music on here a few weeks ago (after the Jake Becker-themed Periscope concert) but was too dumb to figure out how.  Well, by George, I've done it!  And, as promised during my recent folk music-themed Periscope concert (every other Friday, next up 1/12/2018), here are the folk songs I played, fucked up a little (since I haven't played them in 8-9 years) but had fun reliving last Friday on, yes, you guessed it, my Periscope concert series (search "bradley wik" on the periscope app.  It'll be the one with my fucking face on it).  They take a second to load I've found, but stick with it, it's worth it...




"Mona Lisa's Blues":



"My Dearest Emily":



JAKE BECKER SONG'S THAT I STOLE (we used to be a band called Tyger that Sleeps):


"Deer in the Headlights":



"Alone in the Silence":



That's all folks!


First off, I would like to thank everyone who joined in and watched my first ever PERISCOPE LIVE CONCERT!  I appreciate all the kind words, hearts, funny comments and especially the interaction between those who tuned in live.  It was amazing to see @jakebecker make fun of my disheveled (and, I think, sexy) looks, all the people saying "clap, clap" and tapping hearts at the end of songs to make me feel less like a guy with a guitar alone in a room playing music to my phone and a mic, and, of course, @mattysauza with my favorite comment of the night:  "Tommy Stinson loves you."


I realize that I'm still learning how to do this and make it as fun as possible for everyone.  I missed a lot of comments during the show, caught myself watching myself on camera and trying to read what people were saying and missing a chord (which not being able to play guitar for the month and a half before because of a car accident didn't help either, but still) and am getting used to playing and talking to myself; which I do all the time, but that's usually only after a pint or so of bourbon, a couple episodes of BoJack Horseman and an hour or so spent wondering how I'm not as famous as I think I am...  Or, what I call "Friday Night."


Which leads me to my next point:


I am calling these Periscope Live shows the "Friday Night is for the Drinkers Concert Series."


Those in the know will get that reference, but for those who don't, stop whatever you're doing IMMEDIATELY and CHECK THIS SHIT OUT!  The plan is that I will do these Periscope Live concerts every other week, with new songs and stories, and various amounts of drinking before, during and after the show, themed to what I am drinking that night (mostly different types of bourbons, but also some scotch, wine and beers as well).  I will be broadcasting from different locations, bringing on some of my talented friends to play/talk about their music, opening up about my personal life, some of the crazy shit I've done while traveling around the country playing music, my struggles with depression, my struggles with Asperger's, and anything else I think of and want to discuss with friends, family and complete strangers via the internet.  Hell, there may or may not be giveaways to live viewers.  You'll have to tune in and see...  Future plans include an accompanying "Friday Night is for the Drinkers" podcast that offers deep dives into and expands on some of the songs/stories, goes back over the previous concert with a look ahead to the next one, and more of the one thing everyone loves:  Bradley Wik.


Sidenote:  I love people who love my music (I'm easy) and want to congratulate @mattysauza on being the first to request a song!  I was only playing songs from the new record for the album release so I wasn't able to fulfill it, but @mattysauza rest assured there's a song coming for you on the next one...  Now, it's not TRL but I will pick at least one request (of my songs) per show (maybe more depending on how generous/drunk I feel) to play.


Thanks again and I'll see you all soon!  Well, I guess you'll all see me and I'll occasionally see things that you say about me.  More comments, more interaction, more hearts, more making fun of me and each other, I love it all!


Remember follow @bradleywik on the Periscope app to stay up to date or CLICK HERE to sign up and watch these shows on your computer.