Sad face... aka... just fucking sad face

This one doesn't deserve a fucking title...




Thoroughly outplayed on offense, defense and special teams.  Not good.  Next question...



Honestly (as if I've ever been anything but honest on this blog), I barely remember this week.  It was a fucking blur.  I think I've listened to a total of 2 hours of music this week.  It's just been one of those weeks so I don't really have anything to share with you.  To sum up the week, I tried washing one of my cat's food dishes and dropped and broke it (this is the third one this year) because I couldn't remember what I was doing.  Wasn't drunk or high or anything weird, I was just that fucking out of it.  It's just like that and I feel as though I've let you down.  Sorry team...


But, on a good note, I did start writing some new tunes.  I haven't written in a little while and it felt good to get back into it.  I typically don't write songs unless I need or want new songs for a project/show/etc. but I've been feeling stagnant and ready for something new.  I completed the songs for my next couple projects a while back and have been waiting to see what direction I'd like to take for any new songs.  Would they be tunes for the solo record I've wanted to make for a bit?  Would they be songs for the new Brianne Kathleen and Bradley Wik project?  Would they be more Rock N' Roll for the BWC follow up album?  Normally, I'd wait to figure that out but this week I was itching for some new words to sing.  So, I sat down and wrote a couple songs.  I've never been the type to just sit down and write, I've always been a "when the mood strikes" kind of guy.  But, it was fun and it was a good learning experience.  No, they aren't show stoppers, and I might never play them live, but it felt so fucking good to start working on a new project again; whatever that may be.


Anyways, sorry for the brevity but I feel like shit and the Packers game didn't help at all...


So, I'll leave you with one of the most fucking unbelievably awesome things I've ever seen...